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Why are BP and Shell not listed in the Euro Stoxx 50?

Question by Trainday | 2017-09-28 at 17:50

I had a look at the stock index EuroStoxx 50 today and I was surprised that the two large oil companies BP and Shell seems not to be part of this index.

As far as I know, the Euro Stoxx 50 is supposed to portray the largest companies in Europe, and both Shell and BP should have size enough, as they are both globally active giant corporations. So why did it not suffice for the index for them?

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The EuroStoxx 50 share index includes the 50 largest listed companies that are located in the Euro-zone.

Both, BP and Royal Dutch Shell are based in Great Britain respectively England, where you're paying with pounds instead of euros. That is why BP and Shell are not listed in the EuroStoxx 50. The same applies for other large European companies from Switzerland such as Nestle, Novartis or UBS (in Switzerland, the currency is Swiss Francs and not Euro).

You should have a look at the stock index STOXX Europe 50. This index contains the 50 largest European companies regardless of the currency. This index includes BP, Shell and the other mentioned Swiss companies. The STOXX Europe 600 stock index even includes the 600 largest European companies.
2017-09-28 at 23:56

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